"I know that," Gerald said. wouldn't have told anybody anyway. I enjoyed what you did very much."

"And I In fact,


"So did I, Gerald," Nancy said. now I must ask you if you can keep another secret."

"I guess so," he replied.

"Promise not to tell anybody, cross your heart and hope to die?" she pressed.

"All right, I promise!"

To his amazement, Nancy drew her skirts up about her waist, revealing a pair of very "Put your delicately frilled pink panties. hand there," she whispered, indicating the silken crotch of her panties.

Little knowing what to expect, Gerald hesitatingly ran his hand over the silk. "Oh, no!" he said. "You're a boy, too!" He stared at Nancy in disbelief.

"I was a boy, darling, until Mommy decided she would rather have a pretty daughter than a son in silly trousers!" Nancy aid.

She reached over now and drew him to her by means of grasping his flaccid symbol. To his horror, it still responded as if to a

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girl's touch. She forced him to lie down on top of her as she wriggled and squirmed and rubbed her silken panties against his bare penis.

"When Mommy takes me to a surgeon she knows about in Casablanca, my little pipi will be removed and a nice vagina installed. Then we can really get together for some fun," she promised.

He could not

Gerald was appalled. understand his own reaction as his penis rubbed against Nancy and came into repeated contact with her own still-limp organ.

Nancy reached down and drew her pink panties down. He pulled away and sat beside her, lest he have to make direct contact with her symbol with his own.

Nancy looked down at her crestfallen masculinity with a wistful expression on her pretty face. "It's just not much good or anyone!" she sighed.

to me

Gerald felt a wave of sympathy wash over him. This poor creature, destined to be mutilated by some quack surgeon, was more to be pitied than condemned. He knew now why she had seemed so vicious in teasing him about his pretties. It was because she was unhappy herself, if for a different


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